Web hooks - Anomaly Alerts

Web hooks - Anomaly Alerts

Eyer web hooks address: https://api.eyer.ai/v1/webhooks/subscriptions/.

Make sure you add a “Authorization” header to the request that contains your “apiTokenRead”




Post with the following body format to subscribe to a web hook.

event field in body:

  • alert-create: receive only new / created alert notifications

  • alert-update: receive updates on alerts

  • alert-end


{ "url": "https://webhook url", "event": "alert-create" }


{ "id": "67b2faad588cc43217a6f7c1", "rsaKey": { "public": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkeadfIIBCgKCAQEAt83TsugOturv9pR8ubnw\nO3+z+64T4CZENmH2ctxeq40LLFx9bd39j0ZKXC0i5bku3bHtNaTLyNLMAyC89Qfj\nBfNzL6sELke921iEwKz5SDyAP7CnuVQGB1sglMw4pte7nEmzsesaItbYnYQVv49Y\nAihnE+I1+PGeZLp5xf3JYr+yX+8CygggTztgWrvxqhULJu8LhbpzYTqfd78hvGEX\nRi7lSbPLIqq5x0WmyfETiOSPIPfkxyhq5vjSso10ImtW7xlUBEISAlnJfHX9ayxX\nqTjpq4dWgKAUV1CKkVCCnUJHgKvEIVqCG723wiJ+LfY2V3zBA2t7z+HIyZ8cdJ+E\nhwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" }, "xWebhookToken": "fc022554650823220649c713f2343eaf"


Will list all your active subscriptions (no body)


{ "configuration": { "xWebhookToken": "4f46bf14923d71ee0ddf06593170", "rsaKey": { "public": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQAMIIBCgKCAQEAuufANSwxMNyGuPzYJ3tu\nAbBAOg9QAEZbwehTuTIpUfDUs7c9PGPOq1tcYLke3OVtInye91Mn/8iZpwFNqHeW\ngWE3U4bFVX+KmZylOKazfmts2/ttcCRHJWyxq31rTq58vHYZ8fO9TS0H0GnqYks0\neq/+Tyw1Q2tfQy4fqOsHONFseJnvgCOnU2IZ6LGzA9mVhUhbLSVtwm16xI29fQYj\nTBQlI9d6/2+VEJCMl/7E4vF2lSCjTtLI1QMb2gohfzyrcM2jaUUtvCoXs+YT2iye\nfXAA+mm+EFK+alvq83IsZ5txZGsx/wsWH7XIgZ+kPXYYEf3oV1bdxda8KHDRiKK3\nvQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" } }, "subscriptions": [ { "id": "67b2fced348cc265b456f7c1", "url": "https://example.url", "created": "2025-02-17T09:00:29.560Z", "event": "alert-create" } ] }


Will delete a subscription (no body)

URL: https://api.eyer.ai/v1/webhooks/subscriptions/<subsciption_id>

Response will be a 200 if the subscription was found and deleted




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