Map your custom data source - Example 1

Map your custom data source - Example 1

Eyer will work on any time-series data (metric + timestamp). You can connect open source agents like Influx Telegraf or Prometheus to support your technologies and applications, and you can also create custom agents / scripts that feed time-series data to Eyer.

To connect your custom data, you need to create a mapping from your source data to the Eyer internal format.


  1. Your data (from open source agent / custom agent / script) output must be in JSON format

  2. Eyer currently only support metrics, not logs. If you work on logs, you can convert information of interest to metrics (e.g. number of errors matching a certain regex condition).

  3. The metrics must have a timestamp in UNIX format (typically the time of metric collection)

  4. The data must be mapped to the Eyer internal data structure (Node/metrics)

Input data example (coming from Influx Telegraf)

The example below uses Influx Telegraf to collect some database metrics, and send them over HTTPS to the Eyer API. What you see below is the JSON sent from Influx Telegraf. The “fields” section can repeat (one database per “fields” section), so a request can contain metrics from multiple database servers.

{ "metrics": [ { "fields": { "disk_reads_mean": 1.0121461361787716, "disk_writes_per_sec_mean": 0.8571885607181682, "last_Run_mean": 1740047577489, "log_bytes_flushed_mean": 3.9596305549082618, "logical_reads_mean": 914.9966524003087, "total_sessions_mean": 14, "waits_total": 0, "waits_total_mean": 7.3 }, "name": "dbwatch", "tags": { "host": "testmachine1", "instance": "Database1", "url": "http://localhost:8080/dashboard/dbWatch%2001/data/HkRmUaLz0Z.telegraf.json" }, "timestamp": 1740047760 } ] }

Mapping example with explanation

We take the example above, and map it to the Eyer internal format. Below you see the mapping (in JSON) , and then the mapping explained with functions in a table.

This mapping will take each “fields” section in the incoming data, and create and new node with metrics.

{ "selector": [ "tags.host", "tags.instance", "timestamp" ], "type": "telegraf.waitstats", "id_selector": "tags.instance", "root": "metrics", "system": "tags.host", "mappings": [ { "type": "telegraf.waitstats.waits", "guid": "16e41dba-e6a4-4427-b753-cf6eee41e384", "name": "dbWatch waits", "timestamp": "timestamp", "fields": [ { "name": "fields.disk_reads_mean", "display": "Disk reads", "type": "float", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "9ed41a78-3094-4e41-98b5-b1f98f63dc3a" }, { "name": "fields.disk_writes_per_sec_mean", "display": "Disk writes per second", "type": "float", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "1203a428-0b80-4240-8c1b-f7fa2665ec22" }, { "name": "fields.log_bytes_flushed_mean", "display": "Log bytes flushed", "type": "float", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "2add293a-446a-468e-91c3-8f164fe697c8" }, { "name": "fields.logical_reads_mean", "display": "Logical reads", "type": "float", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "7acb184d-c4ce-4287-ab4a-f63f15976bac" }, { "name": "fields.total_sessions_mean", "display": "Total sessions", "type": "int", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "30c71236-48ad-4fa8-b282-f587ffe8b4b9" }, { "name": "fields.waits_total_mean", "display": "Waits total", "type": "float", "aggregation": "avg", "guid": "1f2a5a97-338b-4a92-8846-f27cd9f6b71f" } ], "name_map": "tags.instance" } ], "skip_merge": true }






A selectors array used for regrouping the data (e.g. if a single element of the array in the input contains multiple data points for different timestamps).




Input field to use for grouping.

. . .



type: "telegraf.waitstats",

The internal type that is used to distinguish between parsing rules. The suffix of the type is used for registering an API endpoing (e.g. /api/telegraf/waitstats). Should be alpha.

id_selector: "tags.instance",

Additional selector used for uniqueness checks of nodes. Used together with the node name (see name_map field) to guarantee that the node is unique within Eyer.

root: "metrics",

The root object to start the parsing.

system: "tags.host",

The object to pick up the value for system from.


Mappings define nodes and stat points that should be created based on the input. Each element corresponds to a single node type and can have multiple stat types. node types have 1-to-many relation with nodes, so multiple nodes of the same node type can be created.





type: "telegraf.waitstats.waits",

Internal identification for node type. Should be unique for mapping. Should be prefixed with the value of the type field.

guid: "16e41dba-e6a4-4427-b753-cf6eee41e384",

(Optional) Internal UUID, which is unique per node type. If missing, a UUID is created based on node type value.

name: "dbWatch waits",

User-friendly name per node type.

timestamp: "timestamp",

The field to pick the timestamp from. For telegraf type of mappings we accept timestamp in seconds.


An array of fields, each one constituting a single stat type. New stat types can be added to node type, but existing stat types cannot be altered or deleted if the node of corresponding node type was already created.





name: "fields.disk_reads_mean",

Internal name unique for each stat type. Should correspond to a field in the input that the value for the metric will be picked up from.

display: "Disk reads",

User friendly name used for display.

type: "float",

User friendly string representing a data type (e.g. “Count”, etc.) used for display.

aggregation: "avg",

Aggregation. avg, max and sum are supported, where avg will be aggregated on average, max - maximum value and sum - sum of all the values per aggregation window.

guid: "9ed41a78-3094-4e41-98b5-b1f98f63dc3a"

(Optional) A UUID unique for stat type. If missing, will be deduced based on name field.



. . .



name_map: "tags.instance"

The name of the input field to pick up a node name per node type.





skip_merge: true

The parser supports 2 modes of operations:

  • merging all the fields in the input together and repartitioning again according to rules

  • processing every input entry in the array separately

Set this flag to true if every entry has to be parsed separately.





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