Server monitoring - agent install guide

Server monitoring - agent install guide

The server monitoring agent will work on both Linux and Windows. It will collect metrics on

  • cpu

  • memory

  • swap

  • disk i/o

  • disk utilization

  • network adapters

  • file counts in folders specified


Download and install Influx Telegraf. Influx Telegraf is one of the most used open source agents to collect metrics from sensors and systems. See Telegraf | InfluxData for more information. Make sure you download the version corresponding to your OS.

  1. Download the eyer_telegraf_server.conf configuration file from Eyer.

  2. Open the eyer_telegraf_server.conf file and navigate to the “outputs.http” section. Insert your Eyer apiTokenPush in the “authenticate” line as seen below

    authenticate = "your_auth_key_here"
  3. Navigate to the “inputs.filecount” section. If you want to monitor the number of files in specific folders, you can add the folders in the “directories” section. Make sure to comma separate the paths like

    directories = ["/var/cache/apt", "/tmp"]
  4. Save the config.

  5. Register the Telegraf agent as a service and start it(see instructions per OS). With Windows use

    \telegraf.exe service install --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\eyer_telegraf_server.conf"