Boomi - Data collector install

Boomi - Data collector install

All components for collecting metrics from the Atoms and transmitting data to Eyer can be deployed to a separate host (for test-setups, all components can be deployed to the Atom host).

This setup consist of three different components listed below:

We highly recommend that you register the Influx Telegraf agent as a service, so it will automatically start on a reboot or after an outage.

  1. Log in to your Boomi AtomSphere account at https://platform.boomi.com/

    1. in “Integration” -> “Atom management” -> select atom -> “Properties” then select “Advanced” properties to add/ expose JMX Remote Port (5002), JMX Remote RMI Port (5002), JMX Remote SSL (disabled) and JMX Remote Authentication (disabled)

    2. Repeat a) for all your Atoms

  2. Download the 3 components needed for the setup

    1. Jetty (version 12 or higher)

    2. Influx Telegraf open source data collector

    3. Jolokia (war unsecured agent, version 2.02 or higher)

  3. Deploy Jetty using this guide. Jetty should be deployed to a separate VM or container (if you run a test setup, you can deploy to the host of the Atom).

    1. We recommend that you install the demo applications with the java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-module=demos command to automatically set environment variables. The demo applications can be deleted later.

    2. Copy the Jolokia .war file to the $JETTY_BASE/webapps folder, and rename the .war file to jolokia.war

    3. Start Jetty with java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar (you might need to be in the $JETTY_BASE folder to run the command)

    4. Test that Jetty is running by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/jolokia

  4. For the server or container hosting Telegraf (can be the same VM/docker as Jetty, or separate)

    1. download and install the Influx Telegraf agent that corresponds to your OS athttps://portal.influxdata.com/downloads/

    2. Copy the eyer_agentless_telegraf.conf file into the Influx Telegraf folder. You can download the configuration file here.

    3. Open the config file in a text editor, and search for / find the section


      Below this section there is a field with the name authenticate. Place your Eyer agent API token here

    4. In the config file, copy the


      section including all the metrics and paste it x number of times to accommodate the number of atoms you are monitoring. If you only monitor a single atom, there is no need to do this.

      1. Change the [[inputs.jolokia2_proxy]] → name_override = "friendly_name / ip of atom" to a unique, human readable name for your Atom (or the IP for the Atom)

      2. Change every [[inputs.jolokia2_proxy.target]] url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://atom_ip_address:5002/jmxrmi" section to reflect the IPs where your atoms are hosted. If you only monitor a single atom, and if your Telegraf agent is hosted in the same location as the Jolokia agent, use url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:5002/jmxrmi"

      3. Change the [[inputs.jolokia2_proxy]] url = "http://jetty_ip:8080/jolokia" to reflect the IP where you deployed the Jetty / Jolokia.

    5. Save the config file

    6. Register the Telegraf agent as a service and start it(see instructions per OS). With Windows use

      .\telegraf.exe --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\eyer_telegraf_server.conf" service install
    7. Start the Telegraf service.


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