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  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))


To check that Jolokia is properly deployed, go to http://localhost:8080/jolokia/.


  1. The command above opens up the Telegraf folder in your file explorer, usually located in %AppData%\Roaming\eyer\telegraf directory.

  2. In your Telegraf folder, open up the telegraf.conf file and make the following edits:

  • Locate the [outputs.http.headers] section. Replace In this section, replace the authenticate field's value with your Eyer agent API token in this section.

Code Block
		authenticate = "your_api_key"
  • Duplicate the [[inputs.jolokia2_proxy]] section and all metrics for each Atom you wish to monitor. If you're monitoring only one Atom, do not duplicate.

  • Edit each of the URLs to reflect your Jolokia IP address. Replace the x.x.x.x path in the URL with your Jolokia the IP address of the host holding the Jolokia agent.  

Code Block
 # # Read JMX metrics from a Jolokia REST agent endpoint
        url = "http://x.x.x.x:8080/jolokia"


  • Next, edit the URLs in the [[]] section to reflect the IPs where your atoms are hosted. Replace  If you only monitor a single atom, and your Telegraf agent is hosted in the same location as the Jolokia agent, replace the x.x.x.x path with your Boomi Atom's IP address in the URL.   with localhost as shown below:

Code Block
        url      url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://x.x.x.xlocalhost:5002/jmxrmi"

 If you only monitor a single atom, and your Telegraf agent is hosted in the same location as the Jolokia agent, use this URL:However, if your agents and atom(s) are hosted in different locations, replace the x.x.x.x path in the URL with your Boomi Atom's IP address.  

Code Block
      url        url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhostx.x.x.x:5002/jmxrmi"
  1. Save the changes made to the telegraf.conf file.

  2. Next, use this command to change your current directory into the Telegraf directory containing the telegraf.conf and telegraf.exe files.

Code Block
cd ../../telegraf"C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf"
  1. Next, install the Telegraf agent as a service in your Powershell terminal.   

Code Block
.\telegraf.exe --service install `
--config . "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.conf"                
  1. Run this command to test your Telegraf installation. If successful, you'll see your Atom metrics.

Code Block
.\telegraf.exe `
--config .C:\"Program Files"\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.conf --test


  1. Start Telegraf as a service using this command:


Code Block
Get-service Telegraf
