Versions Compared


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Severity of the deviations on single metrics

The criticality of the deviations on in single metrics is an indication of indicates how likely it is that said deviations are anomalies. The criticality is defined using the multiple baselines.they are to be anomalies, based on multiple baselines:

  • Low: Low probability of being an anomaly. The metric


  • mostly stays within the main or


  • secondary corridor.

  • Medium: Medium probability of being an anomaly. The metric


  • occasionally goes outside all


  • baselines, but not


  • consistently.

  • Severe: High probability of being an anomaly. The metric


  • mostly stays outside all


  • baselines.

Alert Alerts are created with deviations of any severity and are updated taking every time whenever a metric changes severity. Customised actions You can be set when an alert contains at least one deviation set customized actions for alerts that contain deviations of a certain severity or when a certain specific metric hits reaches a certain severity.

Severity of the alert

The severity of the an alert is based not only on determined by both the severity of the metrics included in the alert but also on how the deviation propagate on included metrics and how deviations spread across correlated metrics and nodes.:

  • Low: The alert does not contain any severe


  • deviations.

  • Medium: The alert contains at least one severe deviation, but only one node is impacted, and less than 75%


  • of


  • that node


  • 's metrics are severely deviated.

  • Severe: The alert contains


  • multiple severe deviations. If only one node is


  • involved, more than 75% of


  • its metrics are in a severe state.


  • Nodes with only one metric will


  • trigger a severe alert if


  • that metric has a severe deviation. If


  • more than one node


  • has severe deviations


  • , the alert is always severe.

This severity can be used to define customised customized actions.