Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.
Navigate to the Telegraf installation directory (install folder might be different):
Code Block language cmd cd "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.33.1"
Run Telegraf with the SNMP configuration file:
Code Block language cmd .\telegraf.exe --config eyer_telegraf_snmp_generic_v3.conf
If everything is configured correctly, Telegraf should start collecting SNMP data.
Check for any error messages. If you see:
Code Block language cmd Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.snmp: initializing table Octets_field: initializing field: translating: exec: "snmptranslate": executable file not found in %PATH%
Register the Telegraf agent as a service and start it(see instructions per OS). With Windows use
Code Block .\telegraf.exe --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\eyer_telegraf_snmp_generic_v3.conf" service install
Step 5: Verify Data Collection