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  1. For the server or container hosting Telegraf

    1. download and install the Influx Telegraf agent that corresponds to your OS at

    2. Copy the Telegraf_Boomi_Processes.conffile into the Influx Telegraf folder (the folder should contain the telegraf.exe and the default telegraf.conf file). You can download the configuration file here.

    3. Download the Boomi_processes.ps1 PowerShell script into your Telegraf folder (same place where you put the Telegraf_Boomi_Processes.conf). You can download the script here

    4. Telegraf configuration

      1. In the “outputs.http” section of the config file there is a field with the name “authenticate”. Place your Eyer agent API token here.

      2. In the “inputs.exec” section of the config file there is a field with the name “commands”. Insert the path to your Telegraf folder and PowerShell script here (the folder should contain the telegraf.exe and default config file). It should look something like the line below (NOTE! Use the short name version of the folder name if the folder name contains any spaces. In a cmd window you can write “dir /x" to list the short version name of any directory)

        Code Block
        commands = ['powershell "C:\PROGRA~1\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.28.2\BoomiProcesses.ps1"']
      3. In the “inputs.file” section, make sure to add the path to your telegraf folder as shown below (NOTE! Forward slashes).

        Code Block
        files = ["C:/telegraf-1.31.2_windows_amd64/telegraf-1.31.2/Transactions*.json"]
      4. Save the Telegraf config file

    5. Powershell script configuration

      1. Open / edit the Boomi_processes.ps1 PowerShell script

        1. Replace all variable in the top section with your AtomSphere API token & username, Boomi account Id and Telegraf path. In your Telegraf path, make sure you have a “\” at the end of the path, like

          Code Block
           $TelegrafPath = 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.28.2\'
      2. Save the PowerShell file

    6. Register the Telegraf agent as a service and start it(see instructions per OS). With Windows use

      Code Block
      telegraf --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.28.2\Telegraf_Boomi_Processes.conf" --service-name BoomiProcess service install
    7. Start the Telegraf service.
