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  1. For the server or container hosting Telegraf

    1. download and install the Influx Telegraf agent that corresponds to your OS at

    2. Copy the Telegraf_Boomi_Processes.conf file into the Influx Telegraf folder. You can download the configuration file here.

    3. In the “outputs.http” section of the config file there is a field with the name “authenticate”. Place your Eyer agent API token here.

    4. In the “inputs.exec” section of the config file there is a field with the name “commands”. Insert the path to your Telegraf folder and PowerShell script here. It should look something like

      Code Block
      commands = ['powershell "C:\telegraf-1.31.2_windows_amd64Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.3128.2\BoomiProcesses.ps1"']
    5. Save the Telegraf config file

    6. Download the Boomi_processes.ps1 PowerShell script into your Telegraf folder. You can download the script here

    7. Open / edit the Boomi_processes.ps1 PowerShell script

      1. Replace all variable in the top section with your AtomSphere API token & username, Boomi account Id and Telegraf path. In your Telegraf path, make sure you have a “\” at the end of the path, like

        Code Block
         $TelegrafPath = 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf-1.31.2_windows_amd64\telegraf-1.3128.2\'
      2. Save the PowerShell file

    8. Register the Telegraf agent as a service and start it(see instructions per OS). With Windows use

      Code Block
      \telegraf.exe service install --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.28.2\Telegraf_Boomi_Processes.conf"
    9. Start the Telegraf service.
